In-process painting, inspired by Carl Sagan quote, planned for "Visual Spirituality Show"
/My second painting for The Creative Center's "Visual Spirituality Show" isn't nearly as completed as the one in my post Jeffrey Dunne's beach sunrise photo inspired my newest oil painting. Here's what I'm using to accompany this painting, called 'A Pale Blue Dot', a part of a Carl Sagan quote, which will be posted beside it in the show.
There is much to be done before this piece, which is 40 x 40, will be finished.
In my 'artist's eye' I see stars on the horizon in the finished painting, not just the planets which are found in our galaxy, but so, so much more. The shaft of light represents us in time and space, and eventually will be warmer because of the sun. To truly embrace our spiritual aspects, we humans must come to the realization that we're just a speck of dust in the cosmos. This is the message I mean to convey in the completed painting. When finished, a photo will be posted on this site and on Facebook as well.