Your Big Dreams Might Come True! New Art Studio at Revolution Mill
/I have a new studio! It's located at Revolution Mill at 1250 Revolution Mill Drive here in Greensboro. It is an old flannel manufacturing company building built in the 1800s. The windows are 14 feet high and the floors are hardwood 6 to 8 inches thick. The brick walls appear to be about 14 inches thick. Amazing and I'm thrilled to be in such a wonderful location.
Several years ago when I did The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, she stressed that we should dream big because our dreams might just come true. (Especially if you're working toward something.) And so they do! My dream for a long time has been to have a studio space in this beautiful facility and today it has come true! I feel very humbled, honored and fortunate.
There are four other artists in the space with me. They are: Jerry Cartwright, Alice Bachman, Marjorie Smith, and Kathryn Troxler. Only Kathryn and I will be painting in the space, with the other three showing their work there.
We've just moved in (last Monday) and will be hanging different work soon. The pieces you see in these photos had been sent out to a show in downtown Greensboro called Fun Fourth and are serving as place holders until we have time to get paintings from our home studios into the new space. And I should say... we're the first to get into the facility, so construction workers and prospective renters are the only people seeing us at the moment. (We are told they are enjoying our art daily.)

Revolution Mill will be having a grand opening in the fall, and I hope that you will plan to come and tour this magnificent building and our space. If you let me know of your interest, I'll see that you're aware and on the invitation list.
We are calling our space Suite Art 144 and are located on the first floor across from the main gallery which will have exhibitions from UNC-G's Witherspoon Gallery. Hopefully the main gallery will be opening by the last of September or first of October. There's going to be a lot of action around us. We are so excited.