Introducing you to my creative friends: an upcoming series

Fine Artist Phyllis Sharpe announces new Creative Friends Series; Click to visit official series page.

Fine Artist Phyllis Sharpe announces new Creative Friends Series; Click to visit official series page.

Once or twice a week I receive posts from a blog called My Country French Home written by this gal Sharon Santoni, who lives in the Normandy area of France.  She goes on "loot shoots" which is what we call "junking" or "antiquing" here.  She then photographs her finds and writes about the day or the items or the people she has met. There are times she "takes you" into Paris to share the best restaurants or shops in one of the arrondissements and at other times she makes a tart or treat (recipe included, of course,) from the gathering from her garden or orchard. It's great fun for me to read about someone else's life that is so far removed from mine. This summer she published a coffee table book called My Stylish French Girl Friends. I ordered it from the link in her blog and just before going on vacation it arrived in my postal box. Off I went with book in hand to read while sitting on the beach, enjoying the wonderful sounds of waves breaking, people talking and children playing. She has written lovely stories about the lives and passions of her many (very different) friends around France.

It began to dawn on me that I, too, have many creative friends involved in various creative endeavors and they too are very passionate about their lives, just like Sharon's friends. So I decided, after asking each one's permission, to create a story and introduce my readers to my savvy artist friends through my blog.

A note before starting: I do believe we're all creative beings, whether we paint, sing, play a musical instrument, write, act on Broadway or simply create a daily schedule. All humans are creative... period! Therefore, I may not live long enough to cover each and every creative friend, just like I may not live to paint all 10,000 photos I've collected that would make great paintings. That said... not all of the friends featured in my series will be fine art artists, although I will be writing more about friends who paint than any other form of creativity. And my choices concerning the creative ones I feature is not a reflection of my level of regard or any individual. I may never feature the work of friends I dearly love. It seemed important to cover this detail before I begin...

There will be a jewelry maker or two, a musician, a gardener or two, a potter or two and a couple who can do all these things and more, as well as my beloved fine art painting friends. The stories each friend has to share is varied and unique and I think you will find each of them interesting. It will be fun to tell you a bit about how we because friends, as well. Some have had lots of training or education to do what they do, others are self-taught, some love to go to workshops, some have never been to a single workshop, and still others don't need workshops in their given field. Some are in classes now, and some do not require classes... they just made it up as they go along. Yet as I'm writing this, I think it's true of all of our friends... yours as well as mine. It's one of the things most enjoyable about humans as we move through this journey called life. We're all so different and yet so much alike. 

I'm going to have so much fun with this series. Not just the enjoyment of introducing them to you but also to the opportunity of getting to know them a little better myself. Of course I’m planning to include lots of photographs because I love to see other people's homes, lives, gardens, paintings, studios... and think you will also.

So how do I plan to proceed with this? The plan right now is that every three to four weeks you will be receiving a blog post introducing you to one of these great friends. So be on the look out! (And who knows? Maybe we'll even find out how some of them get more done in one day than I do in three! Some of these friends simply leave my head spinning.)

I hope you'll let me know your thoughts about these posts, and/or my blog though comments at the bottom of each blog post. Here we go! And thanks for reading!

Click here to visit new Creative Friends Series page!